WASHINGTON: Perancang utama kejadian serangan terhadap World Trade Centre (WTC) pada 11 September 2001, Osama Bin Laden telah meninggal dunia dan mayatnya didakwa berada dalam simpanan Amerika Syarikat (AS), kata sumber yang rapat dengan situasi itu pada malam Ahad.
Presiden AS, Barrack Obama dijangkakan akan membuat pengumuman mengenai perkembangan kejadian itu nanti.
Dua pegawai kanan anti keganasan mengesahkan bahawa Osama terbunuh dalam serangan darat di Pakistan pada minggu lepas, dan bukannya melalui serangan udara oleh pesawat Predator.
Kedua-dua pegawai tersebut memberitahu, operasi itu berasaskan maklumat daripada agensi risikan AS dan mereka juga memberitahu, AS mempunyai mayat Osama.
Pegawai AS percaya Osama, yang merupakan individu paling dikhendaki di dunia bersembunyi di daerah pergunungan di sepanjang sempadan Pakistan-Afghanistan.
Pegawai tersebut bercakap tanpa mendedahkan identiti mereka kerana enggan mendahului kenyataan yang akan dibuat oleh Barrack.
Perkembangan terbaru itu dibuat dalam beberapa bulan sebelum ulang tahun ke-10 serangan terhadap WTC dan pejabat pertahanan AS, Pentagon di sini yang didalangi oleh kumpulan pengganas, Al-Qaeda yang diketuai oleh Osama.
Serangan tersebut menyebabkan lebih 3,000 orang terbunuh.
Serangan itu kemudiannya mencetuskan serangan lain daripada AS terhadap Afghanistan, dan Iraq manakala keseluruhan Jabatan Perisikan AS dirombak bagi menangani serangan keganasan.
Al-Qaeda juga dipertanggungjawabkan atas serangan bom di dua kedutaan AS di Afrika pada tahun 1998 yang membunuh 231 orang dan juga serangan terhadap Kapal USS Cole yang mengorbankan 17 kelasi AS di Yemenserta pelbagai serangan lain. -AP
Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan |
US president confirms al-Qaeda leader's death, saying he has been killed in firefight following US raid in Abbottabad. |
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Afghan officials confirm that al-Qadea leader Bin Laden has died [GALLO/GETTY] |
Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, is dead.
US president Barack Obama said bin Laden, the most-wanted fugitive on the US list, has been killed on Sunday in a US operation in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad, about 150km north of Islamabad.
"Tonight, I can report to the people of the United States and the world, the United States had carried an operation that has killed Osama Bin Laden, a terrorist responsible for killing thousands of innocent people," Obama said in a statement.
"Today, at my direction, the United States carried out that operation... they killed Osama Bin Laden and took custody of his body.
"The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date against Al Qaeda.
"We must also reaffirm that United states is not and will never be at war against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, in fact, he slaughtered many Muslims," Obama said.
US celebrations
As the news of bin Laden's death spread, crowds gathered outside the White House in Washington to celebrate.
Former US president George Bush called his death a "momentous achievement".
"The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done," Bush said in a statement.
According to Al Jazeeera's Rosalind Jordan in Washington, the operation had been in the making for the last 9 or 10 months.
"The fact that it happened inside Pakistan, there have been suggestions that Pakistani intelligence may have been protecting them," she said.
Reporting from Pakistan, Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder said the development had caught a lot of people by surprise .
"He was considered by many as a hero, but not to the extent that people would come out on the streets. The reaction so far not likely to be strong on the streets, perhaps a protest here or there by the religious parties,." he said.
'Symbolic victory'
Qais Azimy, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Kabul, said Afghan officials described bin Laden's killing as a "symbolic victory", since he was no longer directly connected to the group's field operations.
"This organisation (Al Qaeda) is more than Bin Laden, it may be symbolised by Bin Laden, but it definitely is more than Bin Laden" Mark Kimmit, US military analyst |
Mark Kimmit, a US military analyst, said bin Laden's death "was not the end of terrorism, but an end of a chapter."
"Capturing or killing bin Laden has more iconic value. It will have symbolic value, because it has been a number of years since Bin Laden has exercised day to day control over operations. We still have an Al Qaeda threat out there and that will be there for a number of years.
"This organisation (Al Qaeda) is more than Bin Laden, it may be symbolised by Bin Laden, but it definitely is more than Bin Laden," he said.
It is, however, a major accomplishment for Obama and his national security team. Obama's predecessor, George Bush, had repeatedly vowed to bring to justice the mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington, but never did before leaving office in early 2009.
He had been the subject of a search since he eluded US soldiers and Afghan militia forces in a large-scale assault on the Tora Bora mountains in 2001. The trail quickly went cold after he disappeared and many intelligence officials believed he had been hiding in Pakistan.
While in hiding, bin Laden had taunted the West and advocated his views in videotapes spirited from his hideaway.
Besides September 11, Washington has also linked bin Laden to a string of attacks -- including the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2000 bombing of the warship USS Cole in Yemen.
Having the body may help convince any doubters that bin Laden is really dead.
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