Sunday, June 19, 2011

1Malaysia Laptops Have Trackers ?

Hello there everyone ? How are you today ? Sorry, been a bit busy with work so had no time to write in. And thanks to the KritisOnline team for allowing me to write in and PUBLISH my articles. Thank you Mr Anuar.

You know what I heard ? The 1Malaysia laptops being dished out have IP and Content trackers on them ? That means that everything you use these laptops for are being watched by someone sitting up there waiting to slap you on the wrist or worse, send you to jail for downloading illegal music videos or worse, watching one of PAPAGOMO's videos. 

How absurd ? Is this the way we want to educate our young, by tracking them and treating them like convicts even before they have broken any laws. Is there no LAW in Malaysia with regard to DATA PROTECTION. These laptops are being dished out in the thousands. Are we too late ?

Maybe this Minister should have given out the 1Malaysia laptops to the so called HACKERS recently so that he could track / trace and locate them before it happens again. 

But then again, the movement on the web is that these HACKERS were Malaysian Internet Users or Bloggers out for some popularity and probably some quick income by introducing themselves as the saviours to stop another series of HACKERS.

Whatever it is, I hope the Opposition look into this matter and verify if what is being lead on in the internet is true after all or like the HACKERS, another hoax like the boy who cried wolf.

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